My Classroom Website

Welcome to Mrs. Testa's Classroom Website!

I encourage you to check this site often for announcements, notes, and assignments that you may have missed during class. I will try to keep this site updated often. If you have questions, here is my contact information:

phone 720-423-4481


Please stay updated on your assignments, especially the Independent Reading Assignments due weekly starting October 20, 2010. Here are the due dates for the rest of the Independent Reading Assignments:

Periods 1, 3, and 7

Periods 2, 4, and 6
Week One AssignmentDue Wednesday, October 20, 2010Week One AssignmentDue Thursday, October 21, 2010
Week Two AssignmentDue Tuesday, October 26, 2010Week Two Assignment Due Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Week Three AssignmentDue Wednesday, November 3, 2010Week Three AssignmentDue Thursday, November 4, 2010
Week Four AssignmentDue Tuesday, November 9, 2010Week Four AssignmentDue Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Final ProjectDue Thursday, November 18, 2010Final ProjectDue Friday, November 19, 2010
Independent Reading Assignments Menu 
  • Write your assignments on a sheet of clean notebook paper or type using a readable font.
  • PLEASE put the week and activity number on your paper. 

Type of Book

Week OneWeek TwoWeek ThreeWeek Four
    Fiction1.1Make a list of at least three predictions for the book. As you read the first few chapters, write down whether your predictions were accurate.2.1List three characters in the book so far. Describe their physical appearance, importance to the story, and character traits.This should be at least ¾ page.3.1Write a letter to a character in your book. Include your reaction to the events in the book, your feelings about the character’s choices, and what you think the character should do now. This should be at least one page.4.1Style is the way an author writes a text. How do you feel about the author’s style in this book? Is it formal or informal? What do you think the author could have done differently? This should be at least ¾ page.
    Fiction1.2Write a list of at least five events that have happened so far. Make a prediction about what the conflict, or problem, will be. 2.2Make a list of at least six events in the story. What caused each event? What was the effect of each event? This should be at least ¾ page3.2Choose five interesting or unusual words from the book so far. Write each word with the definition, related words, and the word in a sentence.4.2Characters often change as a result of events in a novel. Describe the changes that a character went through in this book. This should be at least ¾ page.
      Fiction1.3The first few chapters of a book often contain a detailed description of the setting. Draw a picture of the setting (or main place where your characters hang out). Label at least five specific details from the list.2.3Create a drawing of at least three of the main characters based on the descriptions of these characters from your book. Label at least three specific details for each character from the book.   
    Non-FictionNON-FICTION 1Write about five things that you have learned from this book so far. NON-FICTION 2Explain three quotes from the book using your own words. Make sure to include the quote, page number and your explanation.NON-FICTION 3Choose five interesting or unusual words from the book so far. Write each word with the definition, related words, and the word in a sentence.NON-FICTION 4Choose one activity to do again from weeks 1, 2, or 3. Do not turn in a copy of that activity; use different words, quotes, or things that you have learned.